Champions In God’s Eyes: The Ironmen of Eagle River


Just for fun, I serialized the first chapter of my debut novel “Champions In God’s Eyes: The Ironmen of Eagle River,” in five parts. Click on a link below to jump to a part. If you’ve already read the book, thank you (and please leave a review on Amazon). If not, I hope this will entice you to give the book a try.

PART 1: In October 1974, high school freshman Cameron Carpenter was playing basketball with his father and a friend on a Los Angeles playground when tragedy struck.

PART 2: Fifty years later, Cameron is visiting his old friend and teammate, Jonah Jackson, who is dying of cancer. Together, they begin their annual tradition of reading Cameron’s journal from his freshman year of high school in Eagle River, Washington.

PART 3: Cameron begins reading the journal he wrote in 1974 to deal with the loss of his father. Chronicling his freshman basketball season, he writes of his dislike of his new hometown, the first week of tryouts, and his meeting a new friend, Luke Garrison.

PART 4: Cameron continues reading the journal he wrote in 1974 to deal with the loss of his father. Chronicling his freshman basketball season, he writes of getting in a fight while trying to fit in at his new school, how much he misses his dad, and the mysterious reason why his mother and his grandfather are fighting.

PART 5: Cameron Carpenter continues reading the journal he wrote in 1974 to deal with the loss of his father. Chronicling his freshman basketball season, he tells of making the JV team and having a great scrimmage game against the varsity only to have the senior “punks” threaten him, and then meeting and falling for fellow freshman Mandy McIntyre.

For a signed copy of the book, e-mail or click on SIGNED COPY. You also can order it online or find it at your local book stores.

Jim Carberry of Whatcom Hoops

Jim Carberry is a former Bellingham Herald sports editor and author of several books on Whatcom County prep basketball. Follow him on Twitter @whatcomhoops and visit the Whatcom Hoops Facebook page.