Before the state tournaments get going and all our players, coaches and teams get all the attention they deserve, it’s a good time to recognize some of the other people who make Whatcom County high school basketball a great experience.
First of all, there are all the helpful school staffs that keep everything running smoothly — our hard-working athletic directors, athletic trainers and medical staff, and the teachers, principals and superintendents who watch over everything. And let’s not forget the custodians who clean up all our messes.
Then there are all the volunteers who take care of all the little details that most of us forget about — the scorekeepers and statisticians, the video tapers/recorders, the ticket takers, the people who produce the programs, the concession stand workers, and any others we’ve forgotten.
Then, of course, there are the students who never dribble a ball or take a shot but who often practice just as hard as the players — the cheer staffs, mascots and flag wavers, team managers, band members, and dance/drill team members.
Most of all, it is you — the fans — who make Whatcom County boys and girls basketball special. Let’s keep cheering on all our teams — from all our schools — because they deserve it.
And for your enjoyment, here are some of our favorite photos from this season.
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Author Jim Carberry is a former Bellingham Herald sports editor and author of several books on Whatcom County prep basketball. Follow him on Twitter @whatcomhoops and visit the Whatcom Hoops Facebook page.